Jisya : Fira hello, how are you? So long we do not see ..
Fira : O also sha, oh yes of course I'm fine, how is it going?
Yes already 3 years we did not meet, the school where you are now?
Jisya : well, I school in Surabaya, you?
Fira : I school in bandung ..
Jisya : oh .... sorry fir, I want to go, sometime we talk again?
Fira : yes of course
Jisya : bye
Fira : bye
Compliments and answers
Syafira : Hello sir, what a nice dress, sir. You look very nice!
Ms. Wahyu : Thank You,
You look great! Excellent and Nice work!
Syafira : Thank You, sir.
expressions of thanks and answers
Waitress : Good morning, what can I do for You?
Ms. Wahyu : well,… We want a room to stay on the first floor.
Waitress : Can I have your name, please?
Ms. Wahyu : I’m Jaka Wahyu and is my wife, Jisya Wahyu.
Waitress : Would you mint signing your name, please?
Ms. Wahyu : It’s O.K. Will you tell me the number of our room
Waitress : Your room is number 17
You are welcome have a nice rest.
Ms. Wahyu : Thank you
make an appointment
Angelo : Hi, guys! I heard next holiday, we will go to Bali? Is it true?
Fifin : yes,I it is. Both of us only?
Angelo : That’s ringht
Fifin : What time we go to Bali?
Angelo : 02.00 pm, by plene
Fifin : O.K. see you!
Angelo : See You tOo
Conversations introduction
Jihan :Hai,good afternoon.
Eka :Hello,good afternoon.
Jihan :what your name?
Eka :my name is Nabila.
My nick name is Bila. And you?
Jihan : my name is Lilis.
Eka : where do you come from?
Jihan : I come from Surabaya.
How about you?
Eka : I come from malang.
Jihan :nice to meet you.
Eka :nice to meet you too.