Monkey Love Story

Although annoyed by the name of reality show, sometimes I'm so follow-watching as well. Although it seems far-fetched seem too exciting to just funny-persiflage release tension. One of these is Love Monkey. Donk know if the event was about trying to find an artist with a love monkey in the past.

I so imagine a funny story about my puppy love decades ago when I was sitting in class 3 SD. Just mention his name Alf, a classmate who also bench. Alf including diusianya handsome, white skin, her clothes neat and clean. Every morning the school bus picked me up first served, so I know exactly where the house Alf, an elite housing complex were the days.

Alf including popular classes in school, class president, ranked 5th in class. And Alf happy not playing could bench with me because I always rank one. Alf often cheated me when replication.

Actually I did not experience puppy love with a creature named Alf tengil this. Perhaps because the bench seat so I know all the ugliness Alf so as not to fall in love with my mind (monkeys) with him. Class 3 SD Alf including those that still could not stop wasting water, so that either several times Alf small or large bowel movements in pants during school hours in the classroom.

I do not know what he meant, when Alf threw a wad of paper to me. The contents of this letter

"Maya, you will not be a girlfriend I am?"

Huahahahaha ... I and my female friends actually laughed out loud .. I see Alf and friends smiling man peeking from behind the wall waiting for the answer to the letter.

Female friends tell me so that would just be a girlfriend Alf. On the pretext he's white, handsome, and rich. Well, obviously I do not want to donk so Alf's girlfriend, in fact among my female friends closest and most know the character Alf. Casually I took the papers and the Alf replied to the letter. Replies I invite laughter from all the children both male and female. Want to know the contents of my reply letter to Alf? It contained this:

"Sorry, yes, I do not want dating the same boy who likes to pee and be'ol in the classroom"